
Food aphorisms

Out of all the food aphorisms listed on the worksheet, the one I prefer the most is "One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." by Marya Hornbacher from Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia. Last year, I myself went on a harsh diet because I wanted to lose weight. I didn't eat breakfast, ate only 2 bites of rice ball for lunch, and didn't eat dinner. I kept doing this kind of diet style for 3 month, and finally, I lost about 10kg. Although I lost weight, since I didn't consume enough nutrition, I couldn't concentrate on studying, couln't exercise a lot, and always felt dizzy. From this experience, I learned how important for human to dine well, so I totally agreed with this quote.

The one I didn't agree much was "The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook."by Julia Child.I kind of understand the feeling that foods that are high in calories like "steak" tastes really good and healthy foods sometimes doesn't tastes as good as them, I think human should be careful and eat balanced meal.

1 件のコメント:

  1. The aphorism by Marya Hornbacher is a very sensible one. I'm surprised that you were able to maintain the diet you had for as long as three months. It must have been very difficult. It's always best to lose weight gradually. Gradual weight loss is usually more sustainable. If we starve ourselves, the deprivation will usually lead us to compensate by eating a lot after "the diet" has ended. It was great that you learned from your experience.

    Julia Child was famous as a French chef who didn't believe in holding back on the butter, eggs, cream, and other high fat ingredients.
